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Void Install notes, SwayNotes from a long time Archer doing a Void/Sway install Prepare for Sway installation, and more!Stop the beep (and notes)
and add the line blacklist pcspkr
Edit the Replace Use/install package Basic software opinions (and sway dependencies)
chrony (ntp, time daemon replacement)
neovim (a less bloaty vim)
plocate (supplies locate and updatedb commands)
bind-utils (I wanted dig )
curl (xbps-fetch works like a wget replacement, but curl is needed for some install scripts)
socklog-void †
mako (notification daemon)
qt6-wayland (OBS needed this)
mesa-dri (needed for sway on AMD, the next two are only for video acceleration)
xdg-utils (so you can set browser, open links, etc)
xdg-desktop-portal-wlr (I think there's a bug fix upstream in this that will fix OBS...)
foot (Wayland compatible terminal)
xterm (This works fine too, I think I'll uninstall foot and config xterm)
xorg-fonts (have to install fonts, so many choices)
noto-fonts-ttf (fills in unicode blocks that the other fonts don't fill)
noto-fonts-cjk (Fonts for asian glyphs)
polkit (policy kit...)
gvfs (not sure if I need this)
base-devel (for building)
gdb (for debugging)
xtools (I have these installed, but I don't know)
†Void doesn't come with a syslogger installed by default, and they suggest
... and enable the services (I still haven't memorized the runit service directory format for enabling, might want to make an alias/bash function for enable/disabling services soon). Replace <SERVICE> with the service that needs enabled:
quick cheat sheet for
Configuration and starting swayYou'll have to create the #! /bin/bash
export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland
#export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland
exec dbus-run-session sway
I had to comment out the QT_QPA_PLATFORM line because it broke signet, although those variables were suggested by flameshot, I haven't been able to get that software to work yet. Set caps lock to escape keyadd this block of code to sway conf under "Input configuration" (imho) input "type:keyboard" { #Caps lock to Esc xkb_options caps:escape } More software opinions
ncdu (I wanted a lite 'filelight' and this is PERFECT!)
neofetch (of course, I use linux btw)
firefox (to be replaced by LibreWolf flatpak)
evolution (experimenting with an alternative to Thunderbird, works okay so far)
element-desktop (Matrix desktop client)
pcmanfm (gui file manager)
grim (screenshot program, set this GRIM_DEFAULT_DIR=/home/$USER/screenshots)
flatpak (actually liking this for installing Discord, Zoom, etc)
encfs (a simple way to encrypt folders)
zbar (for decoding QR, barcodes)
Office/Desktop libreoffice (of course)
evince (PDF viewer)
speedcrunch (unique calculator)
Multimedia feh (image viewer)
mpv (video player)
yt-dlp (the working version of youtube-dl)
Creativity gimp
kdenlive (through flatpak, I didn't want all those dependencies.)
Software that isn't working yet: obs (the pipewire screen isn't working, probably the same bug as flameshot)
flameshot (there's a patch working it's way to me in a dependency, fingers crossed, also had to manually install slurp )
cheese (I can't seem to get the picamera to get images across, I see the device name, but no image)
cups (It looks like getting printing working is going to be a bit of a project)
AudioI tried pulseaudio and it worked out of the box, but installed pipewire with some difficulty:
Turned out we have to set some ?RLIMITS?niceness? manually, I found this solution on this pipewire tuning page create @pipewire - rtprio 95
@pipewire - nice -19
@pipewire - memlock 4194304
create pipewire group: Some places say you shouldn't be in the Don't follow the Void Linux Handbook page on PipeWire, symlinking the .desktop file to autostart pipewire if you're using Sway... sway doesn't respect /xdg/autostart at the bottom of the
and created the config.d directory alongside the config file in .config/sway, then created a file called "startup" in config.d: $ cat .config/sway/config.d/startup
exec pipewire
exec pipewire-pulse
I also have these packages installed: alsa-utils
~/.bashrcAdd these lines to .bashrc and you'll search your bash history instead of just going off the last command when you press the up/down arrows: # History search
bind '"\e[A": history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B": history-search-forward'
~/.inputrcIgnore case for tab completion $include /etc/inputrc
set completion-ignore-case on
~/.config/nvim/init.vimThis is similar to the set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set smarttab
Just makes tabs 4 spaces etc. Installing IPFS
Switching to i3xbps-install i3
dunst (notification daemon)
setup XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: mkdir /run/user/$(id -u)
chown $USER:$USER /run/user/$(id -u)
chmod 700 /run/user/$(id -u)
~/.xinitrc: export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u)
pipewire &
pipeware-pulse &
exec i3
Copied the sway config over and have to comment out a few things Brother Printer and Scanner (HL2280DW)I haven't been able to get the printer or scanner to work. For the scanner I've installed: void-repo-nonfree (needed for the brother driver)
simple-scan (scanning front end)
Auto mounting USB drives with unprivileged user in wheel group// See the polkit(8) man page for more information // about configuring polkit. // Allow udisks2 to mount devices without authentication // for users in the "wheel" group. polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) { if ((action.id == "org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount-system" || action.id == "org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount") && subject.isInGroup("wheel")) { return polkit.Result.YES; } }); MaintenanceClean cache, remove orphans:
Remove old kernels:
XBPS TricksFind a package based on file it contains:
Page last modified on June 26, 2023, at 01:13 am |