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Using InfiniteMac to make BlueSCSI images

After finding out that minivmac wouldn't work with BlueSCSI, I attempted to build and run Basilisk II and just kept running into segmentation faults with every ROM I tried. Luckily I ran into this video about using Infinite Mac to create a bootable disk image. The source code is on github, it would be a good idea to clone the repo just in case it vanishes someday.

Going off that video here are the steps:

  • Open System 7.5 on Infinite Mac
  • With 'Saved HD' selected on the desktop, do Special > Erase Disk... and I named it 'Mac SE'
  • Click 'CD-ROMs' at the bottom of the screen and scroll to the bottom to find 'Apple Legacy Recovery CD'
  • 'Legacy Recovery' drive appears on the desktop, and navigate and open: Mac OS > System Software by CPU > Plus, SE, SE/30, Portable > SE > Net Install.scr
  • In the wizard, change disk to 'Mac SE'
  • Click customized install and find 'System Software for Macintosh SE' then Install
  • At the bottom of the emulator screen there is a Apple logo, on mouse over it shows a menu, select Settings
  • Save Disk Image... > Save Device Image (.hda) will export the BlueSCSI compatible disk image and download it to your host machine
  • Rename the exported image to the BlueSCSI format, like HD1.hda (you can replace 1 with a number 0-7 for a different SCSI ID)

That's it!

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Page last modified on August 08, 2024, at 04:19 am
