Notes »

Katz SDR

sdr = Software Defined Radio

Install Tools:

		sudo apt install gnuradio rtl-sdr gr-osmosdr gqrx-sdr git
	Manjaro: ??
		sudo pacman -S gnuradio rtl-sdr gqrx git


	/rtl_test -t             - Test for sdr devices
		161975 kHz and 162025 kHz  ???
		./aisdeco2 --gain 49.6 --udp  # same as rtl_ais
		./aisdeco2 --gain 49.6 | gpsdecode -c  # to view output decoded to screen
		./rtl_ais -n  # same as aisdeco2
		opencpn (installed via pammac - git source code install)
			open a new connection udp 10110

        ter: sudo systemctl start dump1090-fa
        web: localost:8080
        or git clone git://
			cd dump1090/
			./dump1090 --interactive --net
    listen to sdr:
			rtl_fm -M fm -l 120 -s 10k -p -1.0 -f 145.41M -f 145.43M -f 146.64M -f 146.94M -f 147.18M -f 147.22M -f 147.32M -f 145.29M -f 443.525M -f 444.725M | aplay -t raw -r 10000 -f S16_LE -c 1 -V mono
            rtl_fm -M fm -T -l 400 -s 10k -p -1.0 -f 145.41M -f 145.43M -f 146.64M -f 146.94M -f 147.18M -f 147.22M -f 147.32M -f 145.29M -f 443.525M -f 444.725M | aplay -t raw -r 10000 -f S16_LE -c 1 -V mono

		rtl_fm -f 145.07M -s 15k | aplay -t raw -r 15000 -f S16_LE -c 1 -V mono  # packet
		rtl_fm -f 144.39M -s 24k | aplay -t raw -r 24000 -f S16_LE -c 1 -V mono  # aprs
		rtl_fm -M am -l 90 -g 49.6 -t 3 -p -2.0 -s 12k -f 120.795M -f 121.096M -f 122.85M -f 122.9M -f 124.075M -f 124.75M -f 125.95M -f 126.125M -f 126.0M -f 127.8M -f 128.425M -f 128.6M -f 129.3M | aplay -t raw -r 12000 -f S16_LE -c 1 -V mono  # AM Air
		422 lts trunking:
			rtl_fm -M fm -l 90 -s 10k -p -1.0 -f 422.188M -f 422.211M -f 422.462M -f 422.487M -f 422.512M -f 422.587M -f 422.661M -f 422.687M | aplay -t raw -r 10000 -f S16_LE -c 1 -V mono
    gpredict &              - Sat Tracking
    gnuradio-companion &    - block desing building software
    gqrx &                  - Control sdr's
        rtl=0,direct_samp=2 - Direct Sampling
    fldigi &                - sound digital conversion
    viking                  - Mapping uses gpsbable
    rtl_433		            - decode tx's on 433 mhz (temp/humidity senders)
    chirp					- software to program radios
        to run on ubuntu, had to use 'python2 ~/HamSDR/chirp/chirp-daily-20201128chirpw/chirpw'
    xoscope					- analyse audio
    direwolf				- software “soundcard” AX.25 packet modem/TNC and APRS encoder/decoder
		rtl_fm -f 145.07M -s 14k - | direwolf -n 1 -r 14000 -  # decode packet
		rtl_fm -l 250 -f 144.39M - | direwolf -n 1 -r 48000 -  # decode aprs
		direwolf -n 1 -r 48000 udp:7355  # listen on udp port
    multimon				- decodes digital transmission modes. must be sample of 22050
		rtl_fm -l 180 -f 145.07M -s 22050 | multimon-ng -t raw -A -a AFSK1200 /dev/stdin  # packet
		rtl_fm -l 180 -f 145.07M -s 12050 - | sox -t raw -r 12050 -es -b16 -c1 -v1 - -traw -es -b16 -c1 -r 22050 - | aplay -t raw -r 22050 -f S16_LE -c 1 -V mono  # using sox to convert 12k to 22050
		rtl_fm -f 144.39M -s 22050 | multimon-ng -t raw -A -a AFSK1200 /dev/stdin  # aprs
	wsjtx	in aur repository. (failed)
	xastir 					- map of aprs traffic (poor app, cant see configs, uninstalled)
	cqrlog					- qrz logging
	telnet 23	-listen to node traffic cluster

check out:

	listen in a browser:
		rtl_fm [parameters] | sox -traw -r24k -es -b16 -c1 - -togg - | socat -u - TCP-LISTEN:8080
	decode pager:  422.256  422.2625  422.2685
		rtl_fm -A std/fast/lut # ???
		rtl_fm -M fm -l 60 -g 49.6 -s 22050 -A fast -f 422.256M  -f 422.2625M  -f 422.2685M | multimon-ng -t raw -a POCSAG512 -a POCSAG1200 -a POCSAG2400 -f alpha /dev/stdin
		rtl_fm -M fm -l 60 -g 49.6 -s 22050 -A fast-f 173.240M | multimon-ng -n -v1 -p -t raw -a POCSAG512 -a POCSAG1200 -f alpha /dev/stdin


	1. launch gqrx		gqrx &
	2. launch gpredict	gpredict &
	3. launch direwolf	direwolf -n 1 -r 48000 udp:7355
	4. launch yaac		cd ~/HamRadio/yaac/; java -jar YAAC.jar; cd

Capture traffic from gqrx:

	nc -l -u 7355 | sox -t raw -esigned-integer -b16 -r 48000 - -esigned-integer -b16 -r 22050 -t raw - | multimon-ng -t raw -a SCOPE -a POCSAG512 -a POCSAG1200 -a POCSAG2400 -f alpha -
	nc -lup 7355 | sox -t raw -esigned-integer -b16 -r 48000 - -esigned-integer -b16 -r 22050 -t raw - | multimon-ng -t raw -a POCSAG512 -a POCSAG1200 -a POCSAG2400 -a AFSK1200 -a FMSFSK -f alpha -

using UDP:

	start listening first
		nc -lup 7355 | aplay -t raw -r 14000 -f S16_LE -c 1 -V mono
		rtl_fm -l 160 -f 144.39M -s 14k | nc -u 7355
	turn on udp in gqrx:
		direwolf -r 48000 udp:7355
		nc -lup 7355 | multimon-ng -t raw -a FMSFSK -a AFSK1200 /dev/stdin
		nc -lup 7355 | aplay -t raw -r 48000 -f S16_LE -c 1 -V mono

using a fifo

	terminal 1:
		mkfifo fifo1.fifo
		rtl_fm -l 100 -f 145.07M -s 10k > fifo1.fifo
	terminal 2:
		aplay -t raw -r 10000 -f S16_LE -c 1 -V mono fifo1.fifo

Set audio loopback devices: (not working yet)

	pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=Virtual0 sink_properties=device.description="Virtual_0"
		creates a sink number, jot it down so you can unload it if need be
		eg, 33,34
		pactl unload-module 33

                       NEW     STUFF     HERE

dump1090 - Listening to aircraft


	- yay dump1090-fa
	- sudo cp /usr/share/dump1090/lighttpd.conf /etc/lighttpd
	- sudo mkdir /var/run/dump1090
	- sudo chmod 777 /var/run/dump1090


    - sudo mkdir -p /var/run/dump1090
    - sudo chmod 777 /var/run/dump1090/
	- dump1090 --interactive --metric --net --write-json /var/run/dump1090
	- nc 30003

FlightAware Map:

	- sudo systemctl restart lighttpd.service
    - http://localhost/
	- optional:
		- sudo systemctl start dump1090.service

aisdeco2 - boats ships


        - yay -S aisdeco2 gpsd
		- centers 162Mhz (161975 kHz and 162025 kHz 55khz spread)
	- flatpak install --user


	- aisdeco2 --gain 49.6 | gpsdecode -c
	- aisdeco2 --agc | gpsdecode -c
	- aisdeco2 --agc --udp
	- nc -lku localhost -p 10110

OpenCpn Maping:

	- flatpak run org.opencpn.OpenCPN
	- Create connection:
		udp,, 10110

		./aisdeco2 --gain 49.6 --udp  # same as rtl_ais
		./aisdeco2 --gain 49.6 | gpsdecode -c  # to view output decoded to screen
		./rtl_ais -n  # same as aisdeco2
		opencpn (installed via pammac - git source code install)
			open a new connection udp 10110

rtl_433 - decode tx's on 433 mhz (temp/humidity senders)

        - yay rtl_433


        - sudo apt-get update
		- apt-cache showpkg direwolf
		- sudo apt-get install direwolf
        /usr/bin/direwolf -c ~/HamSDR/direwolf/direwolf.conf


        - sudo apt-get update
		- apt-cache showpkg multimon-ng
		- sudo apt-get install multimon-ng

Wsjtx - Weak-signal amateur radio communications

        - sudo apt-get update
		- apt-cache showpkg wsjtx
		- sudo apt-get install wsjtx

Current Sat Tracker to audio file as of 21.3.31:

    - python3 ~/Projects/Python/Satelite/       # To run the sat tracker through sdr to wav file.
    - python3 ~/Projects/Python/Satelite/        # To display/convert wav to png image. Clean up.
    - aplay [filename]                                              # To play audio file live

RTL-SDR (kubuntu 20.04 has v. 2.12) - (see installing new v. below)

    Direct Sampling HF Freq
        - rtl=0,direct_samp=2
    Test device
        - rtl_test -t
        - rtl_eeprom
    Turning on Bias-t 5v
        - rtl=0,bias=1     # b 1 = on, b 0 = off
        - Terminal: rtl_biast -b 1   # b 1 = on, b 0 = off
    Listen and scan frequencies
        - rtl_fm -l 30 -M fm -g 49.6 -s 10k -p -1.0 -f 145.29M -f 145.41M -f 145.43M -f 146.64M -f 146.68M -f 146.94M -f 147.18M -f 147.22M -f 147.32M | aplay -t raw -r 10000 -f S16_LE -c 1 -V mono
        - rtl_fm -l 30 -M fm -g 49.6 -s 10k -p -1.0 -f 146.94M | aplay -t raw -r 10000 -f S16_LE -c 1 -V mono
        w/ biast:
            - rtl_fm -l 30 -M fm -T -s 10k -p -1.0 -f 146.94M | aplay -t raw -r 10000 -f S16_LE -c 1 -V mono

WSJTX Digital mode:

    Setup a virtual audio port to send qudio from gqrx to wsjtx
         - pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=virtual-cable
         - Open up "PulseAudio Volume Control" to set gqrx to use null output then wsjtx to monitor it.
    Check Clock with - timedatectl
    Run GQRX & WSJTX & GridTracker


    Interface 1: GNURadio - localhost:4532
    Interface 2: GQRX - localhost:7356

Satelite Decoding:

    Launch GPredict
        - gpredict &
    Launch GQRX
        - gqrx &
    Launch FoxTelem
        - cd ~/HamSDR/Satelite\ Decoding/FoxTelem_1.09n3_linux && ./FoxTelem

Noaa Weather Sats:

    Launch GPredict
        - gpredict &
    Launch GQRX - save sound file to later decode with noaa-apt
        - gqrx &
    Install Noaa-apt
    	- Download and sudo apt install ~/Downloads/....deb
    noaa-apt    - Decode noaa images through wav file
        - noaa-apt &

  The signal is modulated first on AM and then on FM.
    FM frequencies:
        NOAA 15: 137.62MHz.
        NOAA 18: 137.9125MHz.
        NOAA 19: 137.1MHz.
    AM carrier: 2400Hz.

Edit direwolf and add like this:

    PBEACON delay=1 every=30 overlay=S symbol="digi" lat=40^46.3143N long=073^58.4963W power=5 height=20 gain=4 comment="New York City Central Park APRS" via=WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1

SSTV Slow Scan TV

        - qsstv

dsd Digital with padsp and socat

    Instructions for installing in ubuntu in pdf
        - socat udp-listen:7355 - | padsp -m provoice -- dsd -i - -fa -pu -o pa:14  # gave audio errror,  try after a reboot
        - socat udp-listen:7355 - | padsp -m provoice -- dsd -i - -fa -o /dev/dsp -pu  # works

MMANA Antenna Modeling Software

    - Installed in PlayOnLinux

--- GQRX --------------------------------------------------------- Commands:

	gqrx				- run the app
	rtl_biast -b [1/0]	- enables bias-t  # b 1 = on, b 0 = off
	~/.config/gqrx		- config & bookmarks folder

App configs, confugure i/o devices -> device string:

        - rtl=0,direct_samp=2
        - rtl=0,bias=1     - Turning on Bias-t 5v # b 1 = on, b 0 = off

DO THE BUILD (below) Installing newer v. of gqrx on ubuntu:

    Remove previous versions:
        - sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove gqrx
        - sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove gqrx-sdr
        - sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove libgnuradio*
    Install libvolk1 binaries to optimize GNU Radio performance
        - sudo apt-get install libvolk1-bin
        - volk_profile

building gqrx: I THINK I DID THIS it shows version 2.14.3

    sudo apt install git libqt5svg5-dev qtbase5-dev build-essential cmake gnuradio-dev gr-osmosdr portaudio19-dev liborc-0.4-dev libpulse-dev
    git clone gqrx.git && cd gqrx.git
    mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
    sudo make install && sudo ldconfig
    cd ../.. && rm -rf gqrx.git

edit SideBar

Page last modified on September 11, 2022, at 12:59 am
