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Holy BibleI recently found the New Living Translation of the Holy Bible when my aunt suggested I read Job and I asked what translation I should use. I read it online and was impressed by the clarity of the translation and the translation philosophy when I decided to look deeper. I decided to pick up a physical copy, of which there's countless variations and permutations on binding and format. I've ended up with 3 copies so far, 2 used "acceptable" copies of the Slimline Reference and 1 full sized Study Bible with lot of extra notes, summaries and diagrams to go with the scripture. As of November 3rd 2019 I've read through Genesis and Exodus, from there I went to Matthew (and read the short Jonah after Jesus referenced the story). After Matthew I read Ecclesiastes which resonated quite a bit. I'm not sure which book to go for next, I'm thinking of either Numbers or Isaiah or another one of the 4 gospels of the New Testament. I wanted to take more notes about what I'm reading, but I really haven't been reading as "properly" as I would like to be (with a pen and notebook). Instead I'm on my feet or somewhere without a desk while reading a lot of the time. "Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” And they left their nets at once and followed him." -- MATT 4:19,20 12/24/19I finished Numbers and have been slowly working my way through Isaiah. First disappointment with the NLT is not translating Lilith properly in chapter 34:14 Desert animals will mingle there with hyenas,
their howls filling the night.
Wild goats will bleat at one another among the ruins,
and night creatures* will come there to rest.
They do have a footnote in both the reference and study bibles, but they are both identical and read: *"Hebrew Lilith, possibly a reference to a mythical demon of the night." 1/21/20I wanted to link to Biblical_hermeneutics before I got lost again. I feel like that's what I'm doing with my "study time" lately, processing what I've read, but with a loving heart, not looking to rip apart, but to connect and synthesize. I was thinking earlier, of course the good book is full of paradox and contradictions: it's up to the user to piece it together. Just like the alchemical texts or hermetic works. Everything Jesus says, does and is is metaphor in a sense. The four gospels map to the Tetragrammaton? |
Page last modified on January 22, 2020, at 02:24 am |